Toys Word Scramble
Here is our Toys themed word scramble - see if you can unscramble the words. Use the buttons under the puzzle to shuffle the words, view the solution, or to print this as a fun worksheet.
Toys Word Scramble
Toys have been around since ancient times. Early toys were made of natural materials such as wood, rocks and clay. Children in Egyptian times played with dolls that had a wig and moveable limbs made from stone, pottery and wood. They also played with toy soldiers, wooden animals, marbles, spinning tops and knuckle bones which were thrown like dice. Modern toys are made of newer materials such as metals and plastics.
sceroc lalb
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pac ugn
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pho tccsoh
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lerlor skseat
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This Toys themed Word Scramble features 10 Toys themed words which have been scambled. See if you can unscramble them to see what they are.