Updated by Michelle
Whether you are a cat, dog or any other animal lover our pets puzzles will keep you busy. We have a pets word search, maze, word scramble, word wheel and lots more.
We keep many animals as pets the most popular include dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, mice, guinea pigs and birds. Did you know that a goldfish can live up to 40 years and a bird must eat at least half its own weight in food each day to suvive?

Pets Word Search
See if you can find our pet related words in our word search.

Pets Sudoku
It's "pets" Sudoku - fill in the grid with the letters P, E, T and S, making sure no letter is repeated in every row, every column and within each mini grid.

Pets Maze
The little girls has lost her new little kitten. Can you help her through the maze to find him?
Pets Word Scramble
See if you can unscramble the Pets themed words in our word scrambles.

Pets Arithmagon
We have Arithmagons in three difficulty levels that are printable on Pets themed worksheets to keep you challenged.