Oceans and Continents Acrostic Poem
Try you hand at writing a Oceans and Continents themed Acrostic Poem. An Acrostic Poem is a poem where the first letter of each word on each line of the poem is the letter from a related word written vertically. Use the buttons under the poem to shuffle the words or to print this as a worksheet.
Oceans and Continents Acrostic Poem
There are seven continents on Earth covering about a third of the Earth's surface. Continents include Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Australia, Africa and Antarctica. Oceans cover two thirds of the Earth's surface. The five oceans are the Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Southern Ocean (sometimes called the Antarctic).

Try making a Oceans and Continents themed acrostic poem. Each line of your poem should start with a letter from the word OCEANS.