Updated by Michelle
Mothers Day
We have some great puzzles to celebrate Mother's Day including mazes, word searches, word scramble and lots more.
Mother's Day is a celebration to honour mothers and mother figures. Cards and presents are usaully given to honour the day. Children also often organise a special day out or a treat such as breakfast in bed!

Mothers Day Word Search
See if you can find our Mother's Day related words in our word search.

Mothers Day Sudoku
Celebrate Mother's Day with our special "love" Mother's Day Sudoku. Fill in the grid with the letters L, O, V, and E making sure no letter is repeated in every row, every column and within each mini grid.

Mothers Day Maze
It's Mother's day, see if you can work your way through the maze and take Mum breakfast in bed without spilling any of it!
Mothers Day Word Wheel
See how many Mothers Day themed words you can find in our word wheel.
Mothers Day Word Scramble
See if you can unscramble the Mothers Day themed words in our word scrambles.
Mothers Day Acrostic Poem
Create your own Mothers Day themed Acrostic Poem.

Mothers Day Arithmagon
We have Arithmagons in three difficulty levels that are printable on Mothers Day themed worksheets to keep you challenged.