4 x 4 Fruit Sudoku
Here is a our Fruit themed Sudoku. Use the buttons below the Sudoku to create another, adjust the difficulty, view the solution or print as a worksheet.
4 x 4 Fruit Sudoku
Fruits are important for a healthy balanced diet, they provide lots of essential nutrients and are naturally low in fat. The definition of a fruit is different depending on whether you are a gardener or a chef. As a gardener you may consider tomatoes and peppers to be fruit, a chef on the other hand would probably class these as vegetables.

Its fruit Sudoku - Fill in the grid with the letters P, L, U and M, making sure no letter is repeated in every row, every column and within each mini grid.

We also have traditional number Sudoku for you in either 4x4 or 9x9 sizes. Visit our Sudoku page.