Updated by Michelle
Try our ballet dance puzzle sheets. Lots of puzzles perfect for those budding ballerinas including word searches, mazes, Sudoku and more.
Ballet dance originated in the 15th century in the Italian Renaissance Courts. It is now a highly technical form of dance. Ballet dancers wear special pointe shoes to help them stand on their toes. In one week alone a ballerina can wear out 2-3 pairs of pointe shoes.

Ballet Word Search
See if you can find the ballet related words in our word search.

Ballet Sudoku
Its ballet "Swan" Lake Sudoku - Fill in the grid with the letters S, W, A and N, making sure no letter is repeated in every row, every column and within each mini grid.

Ballet Maze
The ballerina has worn out her pointe shoes. Help the ballerina through the maze to find a new pair.
Ballet Word Wheel
See how many Ballet themed words you can find in our word wheel.
Ballet Word Scramble
See if you can unscramble the Ballet themed words in our word scrambles.

Ballet Arithmagon
We have Arithmagons in three difficulty levels that are printable on Ballet themed worksheets to keep you challenged.