Autumn Arithmagon
Here are four new more difficult arithmagons for you to print on a Autumn themed worksheet. Use the buttons below the puzzles the shuffle the arithmagons to create four new puzzles, to view the solution, or to print as a worksheet.
Autumn Arithmagons
Autumn, or Fall lies between the seasons of Summer and Winter. It is the season when the leaves change colour and are shed from the deciduous trees. Did you know that pumpkins were once believed to cure snake bite and remove freckles?

See if you can solve these four more difficult arithmagons.
The aim of an arithmagon is to work out which numbers go in the empty circles. The numbers in the square boxes are made by adding together the numbers in the circles either side. For example, if the number in the square box was 10 you could try 6 and 4, but the numbers must also add up on the other edges, making this more difficult than it first appears.